Who is our perfumer?


The language of Love

Perfume forms part of the beautiful language of love – as Christian Dior said, “Make me a fragrance that smells like love”. It therefore follows that the best fragrances were made in France as far back as we can remember.

I read that Napoleon was perhaps the world’s first perfume junkie. He loved the scent of cologne so much that he placed a regular order of 50 bottles a month, reportedly because the notes of rosemary reminded him of his native Corsica.

And Marie-Antoinette's perfume was so beguiling that history was written about it!

My passion is classical French perfume; made with natural botanical extracts, so each fragrance reminds you of a special memory... a secret in your heart. 

I hope you enjoy our perfumes as much as I enjoy creating them for beautiful people like you.
